The best questions to ask at Collarts open day



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When attending any Open Day, you want to walk away knowing as much as possible about your study options. The idea is to explore and familiarise yourself with the course, recording the pathways and opportunities that come with it.

At Collarts, our Open Day is all about making this process simple and hands-on. Live demonstrations and information hubs where you have the chance to chat with students, teachers and leaders are an important part of learning more about what sets us apart from the rest. 

As you attend our Open Day in August, don't walk away feeling unprepared or confused—use these questions to get the answers you need! 

How is the course taught and how will I learn?

If you have any of our courses in mind, coming to our Open Day is the perfect chance to suss out what each course delivers. Engage in direct conversations with the Program Leaders, Academics, and fellow students to discover more about our hands-on learning approach. 

This question is super handy when trying to work out if the course is right for you and your career goals, current market and industry trends alongside what is expected of you in terms of assessments and industry placement. It's also a great opportunity if you're curious about online study at Collarts, and the innovative and accommodating ways we make it work for you. 

Follow-up questions include: How are trimesters broken down? What study options do you offer and are they flexible? How are assessments marked? What hands-on opportunities will I have access to? How do online exams or project submissions work? 

How is Collarts connected to the industry?

One of the best things about Collarts is how connected it is to the industry at a genuine level. Not only are our faculty and sessional teachers experts in their field, but they're also industry leaders who are actively working in their community. While you can read up on our faculty here, asking this question also opens up the door to finding out more about our partnerships, along with the internships and work opportunities available to you as a future Collarts student. 

Follow-up questions include: Who is the head of the course and what have they done in the industry? What internships and opportunities are available to me? What sessional teachers will I be learning from? Where are Collarts alumni working? 

What support is available to Collarts students?

Whether you're returning to study or coming straight out of high school, knowing what support is available to you as a student is everything. Before you pick a place of study, there can be a lot of feelings and processes to get in order—and we believe you should be supported through this! At Collarts, we have whole teams dedicated to making your life as easy as possible and encourage you to ask about how we support students with their mental health, finances, academics, and career-hunting. 

Follow-up questions include: What counselling and support is available to me? What happens if I can't submit an assignment on time? I studied elsewhere, am I eligible to get Recognition of Prior Learning

What makes the Collarts community so special?

Well, where do we begin? The Collarts community is unlike anything else: a welcoming, positive and supportive community, one of the best things about Collarts is how students have the opportunity to socialise and interact with each other, staff, and industry guests. Because our class sizes are small, this extends right to our teaching, where your teachers will genuinely put your interest first. If you're tossing up between places to study, ask this question if you’re learning environment and its relationships are important to you. 

Follow-up questions include: Do students from other courses collaborate? Are there opportunities to perform or collaborate outside Collarts with fellow students? What benefits do Collarts alumni have? Do online classes encourage collaboration? 

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