What it means to choose Collarts



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If you’re looking for different places to study right now and wondering what the differences are between institutions, the choices can feel overwhelming. Why is one place better than the other? Why do courses cost different amounts? How do I understand the differences and choose what’s right for me?

Here at Collarts, we do things a little differently than other major universities and colleges. It’s what makes us stand out and why we’re proud to be the place where so many creative students have found their study home where they can also build strong industry connections. . When comparing your future study options, here's everything you should keep in mind about us.

So what's the difference between public universities and private colleges?

In Australia, public universities offer a wide range of degrees in general areas. They typically invest in research components in addition to teaching students, where subjects are filled with hundreds of students to one lecturer. Public uni's are big institutions with large class sizes, but may offer Commonwealth Supported Places in some courses. This means some of their course fees can be reduced by the government, which is why institution fees can vary from course to course.  

Private colleges are smaller than universities and usually specialise in a particular industry, rather than a range of broad disciplines. Private colleges—like us here at Collarts—have smaller class sizes and personalised experiences that incorporate practical learning styles over theory-based classes; investing directly back into the education and facilities students have access to. Some private colleges do not usually offer Commonwealth Supported Places, however, those that qualify can offer FEE-HELP to cover the cost of their courses (like we do). 

Does Collarts offer the same type of courses as a big public uni?

Yes! We offer the same level of courses as major universities. Some of our courses have Our Diplomas and Bachelor degrees are subject to the same regulations as all higher education courses through the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF). Our diplomas are considered Level 5 and our bachelor degrees are Level 7 qualifications. This means your qualifications from Collarts are recognised around the globe, just the same as any other institution or big public uni.

What makes Collarts a leading choice amongst creatives?

Our sense of community, is what makes us different from other institutions. The purpose of Collarts is to provide high quality, professional education for the creative industries. We are influenced by the principles of positive education experiences, and our way of teaching is cemented around a few key belief pillars, including: Student Centric, Innovative & CreativePassionateExcellence & Growth, Community and CollaborationAuthentic, and Professional

These pillars form how we teach and operate. At Collarts, all students are empowered to grow and achieve their learning and creative aspirations. We believe strongly in teaching with empathy, inclusivity, experience, connection, reflection, challenge, and dialogue. This way of teaching—coupled with our small classes sizes—allows you to get to know your teachers on an authentic level, use their experience and connections to help build your network, and also learn from those who are passionate about their industry while challenging you to become the best version of yourself. 

How does 'The Collarts Way' influence my study experience?

Our student- centric way of teaching and connections to the creative industries are just as essential to getting your foot in the door as making connections with your fellow students is. The future of the industry is you and the friends you’ll make here. The Collarts community is a dynamic and supportive place for creatives to get the experience and confidence they need to get started. Community and collaboration are highly encouraged and you’re given the opportunity to meet people not just in your course, but across cohorts in order to establish a network that makes sense for you.  

Our multitude of partnerships with various festivals and companies around Melbourne and Australia give students the opportunity to get professional experience and build industry connections outside of study. Due to our small class sizes, this means more opportunities are available to students with less competition for coveted positions with our exclusive partnerships. 

In addition to opportunities you won’t get anywhere else, all degrees have required internships and/or portfolios to complete your learning. This is the final step in your course before walking out into your industry armed with your new knowledge and experience that you’ve gained while studying and experiencing creative life at Collarts. Many students have found work from their internships and we have a number of resources available to help find the right one for you!

So why should I choose Collarts?

At Collarts we’re looking for you! Join like-minded peers—the creatives and the dreamers that are going to change the industries they walk into. We haven't stopped in the face of challenging times, like when the COVID-19 pandemic hit, and we’ll keep offering the same great experience and putting students first. You aren’t just a number to us and you won’t receive ‘"just a piece of paper" when you leave us either. At Collarts, you'll hone your craft, empower your passion, and discover your community.